Beevo Beekeeping society on campus. Photo by Kathryn Gatliff
"Students can find a segment of environmentalism or sustainability that they find really interesting and then find an organization that’s already doing something about it." - Anthony Rivera, Campus Environmental Center Director '17-'18
Opportunities with On-Campus Departments
Resource Recovery
Resource Recovery is a branch of Facilities Services and is responsible for the efficient reuse and redistribution of campus resources. We support the campus in the implementation of programs to achieve UT Austin’s Zero Waste Goal as stated in the Sustainability Master Plan. The Resource Recovery Internship Program focuses on support to classroom and office building staff and faculty and promotes students to make a direct and tangible impact on our campus while developing leadership, interpersonal, and critical thinking skills in the process. Interns provide valuable insight to Resource Recovery, assist in project development and implementation, and serve as an incubator and testing organization for new ideas. We offer opportunities for work-study, University Leadership Network internships, Bridging Disciplines Program Connecting Experiences, Sustainability Studies internships, and more. We typically have openings each semester and in the summer. See Student Internships and Opportunities on our webpage for more information.
Look for our postings on Handshake or contact ResourceRecovery@austin.utexas.edu with inquiries.
University Housing & Dining
UT Farm stand is a student-run initiative from University Housing and Dining with the mission to educate and advocate for a more local and sustainable food system, from farm to plate to waste. UT Farm Stand utilizes its two campus food gardens, biweekly farmers market, and zero waste efforts to provide affordable, sustainably-grown, local foods to the UT community, as well as provide a focus on sustainable food, nutrition, accessibility, and zero waste. All are welcome to volunteer with UT Farm Stand at the market events, in the gardens, or with zero waste.
Contact UHD.Environment@austin.utexas.edu for more information.
Student Organizations
Student organizations provide many ways for students to learn about sustainability outside the classroom and take action on campus and in the community. Drop by an organization's regular meeting or reach out to its leadership to learn more. A full list of UT student organizations can be found on Hornslink. If you would like your student organization listed, please complete this form.
American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
AAEES introduces engineers and scientists into a professional setting through sustainability and environmentalism. This organization is a great way for students to network, access professional resources, and gain leadership skills.
Contact austinaaees@gmail.com for more information.
American Society of Landscape Architects UT Student Chapter
We are the student imprint of the American Society of Landscape Architects at UT. We typically organize events around interesting speakers, environmental service opportunities, research, and networking opportunities. We are always looking for ways to collaborate with other environmentally focused people and organizations.
Contact Aslaaustinstudentchapter@gmail.com for more information.
Austin Conservation Project
Austin Conservation Project's mission is to provide a platform that brings like-minded and curious students together by offering opportunities to venture outside of the university bubble in order to learn, experience and uncover all that Austin has to offer.
Contact austinconservationproject@gmail.com for more information.
Beevo Beekeeping Society
The Beekeeping Society's mission is to foster a love for urban beekeeping and pollinator conservation at UT Austin. All of our events, from beehive checks to educational socials, are open to any UT student.
Contact beevobeekeepers@gmail.com for more information.
Campus Environmental Center
The Campus Environmental Center (CEC) is a community of students who explore, learn about, and act on contemporary environmental issues on campus and in the Austin area. We welcome diverse interests, ideas, and perspectives as we grow together to become effective environmental change-makers now and in the future. Our mission is to empower the University of Texas at Austin community to pursue a genuine culture of environmental sustainability through constructive and dynamic means. To that end, we support 5 student projects that make a mark on the 40 acres: Environmental Justice Collective, Green Events, Green Greeks, Microfarm, and Trash to Treasure. Campfires (meetings) are every other Tuesday at 6pm.
Contact director@utenvironment.org for more information.
Climate and Meteorology Society (CMS)
The Climate and Meteorology Society (CMS) is an organization for students of all majors who are interested in learning and studying climate change, weather, and atmospheric sciences. We work to provide exciting and enriching conversations with guest speakers at our meetings and provide various professional networking, social, and off-campus events throughout the year.
Contact cmsutexas@gmail.com for questions or more information.
Coloring Environmentalism
Coloring Environmentalism is designed to bring together minority students and their allies to advocate for sustainability issues that minority communities face. Our goal is to educate and promote active participation with the issues affecting the local Austin community. We hold meetings, invite minority professionals to speak, host volunteering opportunities, and plan community engagement events. This org is a space for those interested in furthering environmental justice or learning about how sustainability issues affect minority communities. Follow us on Twitter @ColoringEnviro1.
If you would like to know more, please reach out to coloringenvironmentalism@gmail.com.
Effective Altruism Austin
Do you want to have a big social impact? We’re a chapter of the Effective Altruism movement, a growing global community of compassionate people using evidence and reason to understand and solve the world’s most pressing problems. Through discussions, fellowships, social events, and more, we’ll prepare you to use your money and career to have a big social impact in life, and make some friends along the way!
Learn more at eaaustin.org or contact us at txeffectivealtruism@gmail.com.
Engineers for a Sustainable World
Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW) mobilizes engineers and non-engineers through education, training, and action. We build collaborative partnerships to meet the needs of current and future generations. We strive to promote sustainability in our community and organization with events and technical projects. These provide a framework to pursue sustainable goals! We're honored to be part of a nation-wide network of professionals dedicated to building a better world. Our vision is a world in which engineering fosters environmental, social, and economic sustainability to improve both the quality of life and the condition of our planet.
Contact esw@engr.utexas.edu for more information.
Food Recovery Network
Food Recovery Network recovers food that would be thrown away on campus or in Austin area restaurants and takes it to places where underprivileged individuals need help. We look to make a big impact within the Austin area by performing tasks that anybody can be a part of.
Contact foodrecoverynetworkut@gmail.com for more information.
The Geography Society
The Geography Society's goal is to gather students who are passionate about the environment and who are looking for community. We arrange social events, volunteer events, and speaker series with professionals in the field.
Contact utgeographysociety@gmail.com for more information.
Global Water Brigades at UT
Global Water Brigades at UT is intended to mobilize ideas and action for clean water access and partner with local water organizations to increase access to clean water in Austin. Students fundraise throughout the year in order to implement water brigades in partnership with Global Water Brigades to construct water systems in rural communities, and volunteer with local organizations to benefit the ATX community.
IEEE Power and Energy Society
IEEE Power and Energy Society is an organization primarily filled with up and coming Electrical Engineers who have interests in power systems and power electronics. We have a heavy emphasis on renewable energy systems and technology and have many career building opportunities for people who would like to enter the field of power and energy.
Contact president.ut.ieeepes@gmail.com for more information.
Longhorn Energy Club
Longhorn Energy is a university-wide graduate and undergraduate student organization that supports interdisciplinary professional development, promotes interdisciplinary energy entrepreneurship, and inspires interdisciplinary energy research at the University of Texas at Austin.
Marine Science Club
The Marine Science Club is dedicated to introducing and sharing the wonders of the seven seas to all students, regardless of major. Through academic opportunities, professional development workshops, and social events, we aim to provide all aspiring oceanographers with the skills, resources, support, and fish energy needed to further explore and advance themselves in the marine world, whether that be a profession or a passion.
Contact texasmarinescienceclub@gmail.com for more information.
The Negative Emissions Technology (NET) Project
The NET Project is an undergraduate-led student research project at the University of Texas at Austin which focuses on cutting edge developments in the NET space. Founded in 2019, the NET Project has been growing along with the field of negative emissions technologies just as they are gaining prominence in the fight against climate change.
Precious Plastic Texas
Precious Plastic Texas aims to bring city-wide awareness to waste recovery efforts by implementing an open-source process to upcycle plastic waste at UT. We will be building a line of machines to shred plastic and convert them into useful products. Our mission is to fight plastic pollution from the bottom-up & make recycling more personal and accessible. Follow us on Instagram @preciousplastictexas and like our Facebook page.
Email preciousplastictexas@gmail.com for more information on how you can get involved.
The Social Entrepreneurship Learning Lab (SELL) Fellowship
SELL is a premier social impact organization for undergraduate students looking to create their own social enterprises. We help good people become changemakers through social entrepreneurship curriculum, civic engagement opportunities, and access to a network of professionals in the social justice and entrepreneurship community.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and contact us at sellfellowship@gmail.com.
Student Government
Student Government (SG) was established in 1902 to serve as the official voice of the student body at The University of Texas at Austin. Two SG students serve as Sustainability Policy Directors. They represent the student voice on committees such as the President's Sustainability Steering Committee and the Green Fund Committee.
Students Fighting Climate Change
Students Fighting Climate Change strives to create an inclusive, positive community for climate action to give people hope and humanize one another as we all face the climate crisis. We recognize that climate activism needs to be intersectional. To do our part in uplifting marginalized voices, we strive to center justice in all of our actions. We provide a platform for members to learn about, politically engage in and become an activist for climate change. We also work in cooperation with UT to get the administration to publicly acknowledge the severity of the climate crisis and the inevitable effects on the student body so that UT can become a leader in climate change acknowledgment and action. Most importantly, we are building a movement to build our future.
For more information contact saveourfuture.sfcc@gmail.com
Students Against Cruelty to Animals
Students Against Cruelty to Animals is a social organization for vegans, vegetarians, and animal lovers of all types to meet other like-minded people! Our members care about animal welfare, environmental stability, and plant-based health. We have socials, weekly meetings and discussions, and participate in activism and volunteering at animal sanctuaries.
Contact saca.active@gmail.com for more information.
Sustainability Investment Group
The Sustainability Investment Group is a home for any student of any major that is passionate about the intersection of sustainability and business. We seek to educate and advocate for a more equitable economic system through research, public investment, and social impact. We train our younger members to become leaders in any field across the impact spectrum, from pure sustainability to investment management.
Contact team@texassig.org for more information.
TexASHRAE is the UT student branch of ASHRAE, a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. We hold monthly meetings where students can learn about state-of-the-art HVAC technology that is helping to make buildings more sustainable and energy efficient.
Contact texasashrae@gmail.com for more information.
Texas Rising
Texas Rising is a nonpartisan political organization focused on building the political power of young people across Texas. Our organization focuses on advocating on issues such as climate justice, voting rights, reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ equality, migrant justice, and criminal justice reform.
Urban Studies Society
The Urban Studies Society is an interdisciplinary organization for students of all majors who share a common interest in urban issues, ranging from affordable housing and economic development to transportation and sustainability. We aim to enrich our members' classroom learning and on-campus community with biweekly meetings featuring local subject matter experts, visits to local sites of interest, service opportunities, and social events.
Contact urbanstudiessociety@gmail.com for more information.
Women in Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering (WCAE)
Women in Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin is dedicated to creating a professional network for students, graduates, & faculty members in our department, building an inclusive community for undergraduate women, and supporting civil, architectural and environmental engineering students with peer mentorship throughout their studies.
Contact wcae.engineering@gmail.com for more information.
Women's Relief Initiative
Women's Relief Initiative's mission is to provide menstrual aid that empowers women, sustains the environment, and uplifts under-resourced communities. We work to educate women on the topic of menstruation and alongside that, we are developing a biodegradable menstrual pad product.
Contact womensreliefinitiative@gmail.com for more information.
Join Us
- Sign up for our Bleed Orange, Live Green newsletter.
- Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
- Check out Hornslink for more organizations that promote sustainability.
Featured Opportunities

Green Fund
Do you need funding to support your campus sustainability project or research? The Green Fund is a competitive grant program funded by UT Austin tuition fees to support sustainability-related projects and initiatives proposed by university students, faculty or staff.

Sustainability Living Learning Community
The Sustainability Living Learning Community (LLC) unites students from all majors and backgrounds to introduce students to campus sustainability programs, exciting opportunities to get started on environmental leadership and how to live a more sustainable lifestyle now and in the future.

Zero Waste Hero
UT Austin's Zero Waste Hero Certification is a self-paced certification program on Canvas that provides a unique opportunity for current UT students to prepare to be role models for others and learn more about zero waste on campus. Students will learn about a variety of zero waste topics at your own pace, including recycling, reducing food waste, composting, and more. This knowledge is then reinforced through individual practice opportunities and UT Action Hours. This free certification is co-managed by Resource Recovery and University Housing and Dining with developmental funding from Green Fund.

Student Guide to Sustainable Living
Made by students, for students, the Student Guide to Sustainable Living provides an overview of how to reduce your impact on the earth and its people. Set yourself up for success by using this customizable, personal Sustainability Plan. Find actionable tips and tricks to up your personal eco-conscious game.