Thank you for your interest in the Green Fund! Green Fund applications for this cycle are now closed. Please check back at this page or follow our newsletter for news on the next round of applications. You may also apply for a Green Fund Mini-Grant, which are awarded year-round.
The Green Fund General Application should be used if you are applying for the following types of projects:
- General Project: This is a project led by a team or an individual, usually proposing collaboration between multiple units, for campus improvement and awareness. The overall intent of this kind of project is to make a permanent or semi-permanent change to campus ore result in a campus-wide outreach or planning effort.
- Student Interest: This is a project led by an individual student or group of students, which may have some existing institutional support but is primarily an idea that students want to examine more closely for long-term relevance to campus. Student organization-supported projects fall under this category, as do most projects created by independent student teams.
- General Research: This category is for projects led by faculty, or by named academic units, which use campus as a Living Lab, studying different aspects of campus for education and improvement. The projects should have relevance to current students and ideally engage students in professionally and academically beneficial ways. The strongest applications will propose a path for implementing the results of the research on campus, or making data available for use by future students and researchers.
Please reach out to Green Fund if you have any questions, need help with something, or if you are interested in a mini-grant (with applications accepted all year).