Stories from the Field: Action Plans and Sustainability in Coalitions and Collective Impact Groups

Event Status

The “Renewing Democracy” series, hosted by the newly launched Patman Center for Civic and Political Engagement at The University of Texas at Austin, features bipartisan conversations on effective civic leadership with today’s political professionals. The series, free and designed for UT students, aspiring public policy professionals and the general public, kicks off on Thursday, January 25 and runs throughout the spring semester. 

February 27 - Stories from the Field: Action Plans and Sustainability in Coalitions and Collective Impact Groups (RSVP Now)

  • Debbie Bressette, Founder of Bastrop County Cares
  • Bee Moorhead, Executive Director, Texas Impact

Hosted by the LBJ School.

Date and Time
Feb. 27, 2024, 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.