Join us on Eclipse Day, Monday April 8th for From COASTLINE to INLINE: a visual data story that integrates art and technology to increase public awareness of UT research at the intersection of extreme weather events and emerging infectious diseases.
From COASTLINE to INLINE leverages captivating visualizations of flooding and storm surge originating at the Texas coastlines, progressing inland, and eventually arriving at the Path of Totality. Using the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration eclipse simulation path as the area of focus, the visualization highlights the various sources of data (citizen science, fieldwork observations, and monitoring) used in this research. Computational models are visualized to illustrate how flooding and climate influence habitats for organisms that can spread emerging infectious diseases in Texas. Improved understanding of how environmental conditions are linked to certain infectious diseases has potential to improve health providers’ disease recognition and to enable policy action to reduce outbreaks that can result from extreme weather events such as hurricanes.
The visualization is free and open to the public on Eclipse Day, April 8th from 10 am-4 pm. It will at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) Visualization Lab (VisLab) on UT’s campus, located on the main floor of the Peter O’Donnell, Jr. Building (POB). The visualization installation is supported by Planet Texas 2050, The Wellcome Trust, and the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences
WHEN: Monday, April 8, 10 AM – 4 PM
WHERE: Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) Visualization Lab in the Peter O’Donnell Building (POB)