Nature in the City: Dr. Kevin Anderson talk on water

Event Status
Nature in the City

The Geography of Flowing Water, Riparia: Life at the Edge


Dr. Kevin Anderson from the City of Austin's Center for Environmental Research will present.

Riparian areas are waterway margins, the transition zone along the banks between the flowing water of the main channel and the bottomland and upland areas of a basin. Riparian vegetation forms rich habitat for biodiversity, and riparian zones are critical sites for hydrology and biogeochemistry that influence water quality and quantity. During drought, they are a thin ribbon of green life along our rivers and streams, and, during flood, they are the armor that hold the banks together. This is where one hears wind in the willows (or bald cypress) and the bank folk like bank swallows, kingfishers, beavers, and otters make their homes. Join us for a talk about life at the edge.

Date and Time
March 5, 2019, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
NHB 1.720
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